Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I am just all excited! I finally got an email from my tattoo artist. I had just about given up and resigned myself to going all over town to look at people's portfolios when I got an email on my facebook account. I had searched on myspace and facebook, found her on both and left emails there. It's been a while back. She emailed and told me that she had been in a rather bad car wreck, and had been in the hospital for ten days! Sheesh, it must have been bad. Usually they kick you out the door ASAP.

She also told me that she is working at a shop in one of the big malls. She is so funny... she said she knew how I felt about malls! It made me laugh. I can't even recall the last time I was at that mall. It has been at least say, 10 years. When you get everyone to give you clothes for Christmas, it solves ever having to go shopping. I just can't stand being in a mall. Sheesh...there are untrained people there. They are everywhere and they use up all the oxygen! It is going to be awful to have to go there, but I guess I will just have to suck it up and go. She is still going to open her own shop, and I would really rather wait until she does, so she doesn't have to split the dough, but we will see. I am just glad she wasn't hurt any worse, and is back to work. I was not happy at the prospect of finding another artist. Experimenting with permanent markings on my skin is not something I am looking forward to!

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Woot! Glad you found her!