Friday, December 5, 2008

Little Monsters

I don't have any children. I made the decision a long time ago that I would not be a good parent, and therefore should not have children. I wish that a *lot* of other people had been as conscientious. There are apparently a lot of people in this world who indiscriminately reproduce for fun, and without any thought of the consequences.

Today I stopped at the local convenience store to get something to drink. It is always crowded, usually with a herd of day workers waiting for someone to come pick them up. Today there was a smaller herd of teenagers. They were hanging out at the fountain drinks. This is at the back of the store, and is next to the coffee bar. It is always the busiest place in the store, and often so crowded that you have to wait in line. The teens were hogging the fountain bar, standing and swilling energy drinks, blocking everyone else. I finally got my tea and went to the counter to put a lid on it. One of the little princesses came over and slung her cup into the trash. It was half full and of course I got an energy drink shower. Grrrr. She just looked at me. I wanted to slap her face. They do this every morning. They go in and drink as much as they can and then throw the cups away. I guess their "parents" haven't taught them that stealing is wrong. I used to report it to the clerks, but they just said it's an "expected loss", and they are "too busy" to keep an eye on things like that. Fine with me, except that when people steal stuff the rest of us pay for it, one way or another.

I am not an "old lady", but I am old enough to be most of these kids' mother, and it really pisses me off when kids act like thugs. They are disrespectful, rude, and thoughtless. Their parents have little or no control over them, and cater to their every whim. They are producing a generation of entitled, selfish assholes. These kids are not cute. They are little monsters. They are overindulged, whiney, self-absorbed spoiled brats, with never a consequence their actions. Their parents ought to be ashamed, but of course they are like barn blind horse owners. Not *my* kid. My child is perfect... he/she/it would *never* do something like that. Well guess what Mommy, your little yuppie spawn does indeed do crappy stuff. Someday you will see it. Probably when they move back in with you after college because working doesn't fit in with their entitled lifestyle. You will be spending your meager retirement supporting the slobs that you raised and conditioned to believe that everything they want magically appears, without any effort on their part. Enjoy Mommy and Daddy, the fruits of your labor. Perhaps you should have had a better plan, eh?

I know that there are good kids out there. I even know a few personally that are polite, helpful, and respectful. They are always a pleasure to be around, and their parents are to be commended. It's just unfortunate that the good kids are greatly outnumbered by the spoiled bratty ones. It used to be the other way around. *SIGH* I guess I am an old lady...

I just saw this... Sadly, I am not surprised one tiny bit. Disgusting. And Daddy is defending her. Yeah....

1 comment:

Holly said...

right now, with the economy the way it is, these kids won't HAVE jobs. And their parents will pay for the lack of parenting.