Monday, December 8, 2008

I hate developers

We have a big job under contract. There have been a multitude of delays, and we are still waiting to start. In the mean time, we have been hustling smaller jobs, and got two in the last two weeks. One of them was an on again off again thing that as of last week was supposedly on. All that was left to do was for the owner to pick a color. Well, I just got a call from the guy we were going to sub the job from. Seems that the developer wants a different company's tool system. The architect and the owner both approved our tools and picked a color, but apparently the developer had an entire litter of kittens and insisted on the other tools. This is suspicious on several levels, but is not all that unusual. The real corker is when the guy we were supposed to do the work for asked me if there was a contractor around with the other tool system. Now I am a real nice gal, but I do not believe it is my obligation to sell work for our competition. As far as I know there is not a contractor with the other system anywhere in Oklahoma. Even if he were next door, I sure wouldn't help someone find him and do work that we were supposed to do. Call me bitchy that way.

The other highly annoying thing about this job is that we had a verbal commitment to do the new GIANT wally world there. They told us to book the time and get ready. Well, we didn't hear from them, and drove over there, and lo and behold someone else had done this huge assed job. It looks like crap, and I am sure they got what they paid for. There are barely any joints on a lot of it, and it is definitely not up to the standards that wally world set during the 2 years we worked with them to specify these stores. The developer who is insisting on the other tool system undoubtedly approved that stuff, and is wanting the same thing in front of this bank we were supposed to do. I feel sorry for the guy we were going to work for. He admitted that the developer is a pain in the ass and does not pay well. Ain't that an incentive for us to work for them now... not on your best day. Hey, at least we found out before we invested a lot of time and money in the job. Thank whomever....


Holly said...

He admitted that the developer is a pain in the ass and does not pay well.

those are good reasons to employ him.....sarcasm dripping.

Camille said...

We have a whole list of people who are slow pay, or we have to fight to get our money at all. *IF* we work for them at all, they pay a pretty nice premium... we call it the asshole factor. :)