Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fowl doings

I went to my friend's house to deliver her Christmas present. I was just there last week to deliver it, but me being me had walked out of the house without it... typical :) I was also going to take pictures of her beautiful horses, but the wind was blowing about 50 mph, so that was a bust. Anyway, she and her DH were out of town judging a horse show, so I just dropped it off in her office and was going to leave when I saw a little parade shaping up between the two barns. My friend has all sorts of animals, and they are all pets. If someone goes missing she is out searching for them, and they all love her and come for petting. Here are some of her friends.
Now I love birds, and these turkeys are beautiful, but they are strange too. I think they are, in fact, proof that there are aliens on our planet. I mean what other animal looks like this?? The white ones let me scratch and pet them. The hen loved it and followed me around after that. Bill calls birds dino birds. If you look closely at any bird, they do look very prehistoric, and the bigger the bird, the more evident it is. Their feet look scaley, and their eyes... scary enough. Big birds like emus and ostriches look at you as if you might possibly be food. I think they are speculating on how much of a fight you'd put up. Most horses are horrified by turkeys. The toms like to scrape their wing feathers on the ground, and the rattling noise they make will send a lot of horses right into orbit. (fortunately Baby Huey is deaf!) The white tom is a patriotic guy!
I am in love with this boy. He has one blue eye and one brown eye, just like Monkey. He is really beautiful and the pictures don't do him justice. His feathers are irridescent and so shiny.


Holly said...

great photos! I don't like the toms, a friend of mine had one once, that thing used to chase me all over the place. He used to wait for me at the door!

Camille said...

I know what you mean. We had a big gray goose that used to bite the crap out of us when we were kids.

Fortunately these are all pets that were hand raised, so they are friendly and love to be petted. I did have a moment when I was almost afraid to try though :)