I have had short hair before. I have had it so short that it was really a longish buzz cut. I liked it that way. It's super easy to care for, but then you have to get it cut every 5 or 6 weeks or it is a mess. I love me some curls too, and when your hair is three feet long, there is no such thing. I had a Stevie Nicks perm a while back and while I loved it, it was a pain in the ass to care for. Long and layered with a big curl perm. I couldn't run a brush through it or I looked like Broom Hilda. My hair will hold a perm forever, so that is a consideration. I have also considered dying it a couple of shades lighter, and with long hair, that is a pain. I really need to go to a salon and have it done, but that would cost a small fortune as it is. Here is a pic of me with Big E. It's a few years old, notice no tattoo? My hair is a about or so inches longer now.
So here I am... and I am leaning towards cutting it off. There is plenty for locks of love, and at least it would be put to use that way. I dunno... we'll see. Bill didn't fall down and scrub his face on the concrete when I asked what he thought. He actually said he kind of liked it short and curly, so...
short short short is the way to go. I have NO time to "do my hair". I am a wash'n'wear kinda gal. If I have to spend 15 minutes...that's 10 minutes too long!
cut it down and make it easy!
I am sure leaning that way. I can always grow it out again.
Thanks for not commenting on the pic :-)
what would I comment on? How pretty you are? How long your hair is?
Plluuuuzzzeee, you are in far far better shape and carry far less weight than *I* do!
I say cut it just below your shoulders--then you can still put it up for work if you want
What about shoulder length? Wouldn't get in the way and you could still put it in a ponytail? As thick as your hair is I bet it has lots of body if you take some length off. Love the Locks of Love thing!
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