Friday, December 26, 2008

The question is...

To cut or not to cut...that is the question. I am contemplating cutting my hair. This is no small decision for me. It took me a lot of years to grow it out, and now it is down to my butt. The bad thing about long hair is the limitations. You can put it in a pony tail...or a braid...or pigtails/braids (and endure the Pocahontas remarks), or a bun, or one of those celebrity mussy updoos. The bad thing is when you do the kind of work I do, it can be a serious liability. When you are up on the back of a concrete mixer looking down into the drum to see the mud, you worry that it will get caught on something and get you killed. Also, it is long enough that it falls over my shoulder and gets in the concrete. Oh, and it is fricking hot in the summer too. If I wet it down to cool off it stays wet for hours, which contrary to what you'd think does not make you cooler, it just makes you hot and wet.

I have had short hair before. I have had it so short that it was really a longish buzz cut. I liked it that way. It's super easy to care for, but then you have to get it cut every 5 or 6 weeks or it is a mess. I love me some curls too, and when your hair is three feet long, there is no such thing. I had a Stevie Nicks perm a while back and while I loved it, it was a pain in the ass to care for. Long and layered with a big curl perm. I couldn't run a brush through it or I looked like Broom Hilda. My hair will hold a perm forever, so that is a consideration. I have also considered dying it a couple of shades lighter, and with long hair, that is a pain. I really need to go to a salon and have it done, but that would cost a small fortune as it is. Here is a pic of me with Big E. It's a few years old, notice no tattoo? My hair is a about or so inches longer now.

So here I am... and I am leaning towards cutting it off. There is plenty for locks of love, and at least it would be put to use that way. I dunno... we'll see. Bill didn't fall down and scrub his face on the concrete when I asked what he thought. He actually said he kind of liked it short and curly, so...


Holly said...

short short short is the way to go. I have NO time to "do my hair". I am a wash'n'wear kinda gal. If I have to spend 15 minutes...that's 10 minutes too long!

cut it down and make it easy!

Camille said...

I am sure leaning that way. I can always grow it out again.

Thanks for not commenting on the pic :-)

Holly said...

what would I comment on? How pretty you are? How long your hair is?

Plluuuuzzzeee, you are in far far better shape and carry far less weight than *I* do!

Paige said...

I say cut it just below your shoulders--then you can still put it up for work if you want

Anonymous said...

What about shoulder length? Wouldn't get in the way and you could still put it in a ponytail? As thick as your hair is I bet it has lots of body if you take some length off. Love the Locks of Love thing!