Monday, November 3, 2008

Help!! I've fallen and I can't get up!

Ok, how many of you have watched those commercials where some poor little old lady is rescued because she has the panic button around her neck? Now, how many of you have made fun of same? I admit it, I have. I have made fun of people who have fallen down by sing-songing that commercial at them. Karma, being the Bitch that she is, gave me a good dose of that today.

We were staining a deck and interior up at Grand Lake. Every house up there is built on the side of a cliff. There is no dirt, only rock, and gravel. I had gone down to grab a hose and pull it around the side of the house. Mission problem. Then as I was walking back around the house, I stupidly stepped on a mound of chat, and the shit all flew out from under my feet. Of course, I fell. I fell downhill. I banged the shit out of my knees, both hands, and my head. Good thing my melon is hard. Damn. I cried.... Of course, my wonderful, kind, loving husband heard the commotion and leaned out over the rail to ask if I was ok. Bastard! He did manage to keep a straight face until I got back on the deck. He didn't actually start laughing till I told him I'd hit my head. He is still laughing... We are not amused. I hate Grand Lake. We have to go back tomorrow.....damn.


Anonymous said...

I give you permission to chunk Bill over your cliff. Bad husband! Hope you feel better quick!

Camille said...

Ha! If I push his ass off the cliff I will have to do all his work!

It's ok, really. The rule on our crew is: Find out if they're hurt...if not, then you are obligated to laugh.

Somehow, my jaw is all bruised too. My left knee is a sight. I will not be going down there again.

Holly said...

so don't chuck him all the way to the bottom, just far enough to bruise him up some!

Camille said...

LOL I may have to do that!