Monday, November 3, 2008

Quirks I gots 'em

My friend Holly challenged me to list 6 quirks and then tag 6 other bloggers to do the same. Ok, let's see....

1. I am a tomboy. A 46 year old tomboy. As a little kid, I never played with dolls, or dress-up, or getting into mom's makeup. I still view all of the above with a sneer. There is nothing wrong with trucks I tell ya!

2. I must own a horse. I found this out when I went for a few years without one. There was always this feeling that something was missing, or undone. I figured it out when I bought Emmett, and the feeling went away.

3. I worked as an animal lab technician in a research facility. I liked it. I can tell if there is a mouse in my house by smell.

4. I am a concrete finisher.... (is that technically a quirk, or just mental illness disguised?)

5. I have been married (to the same guy) for almost 22 years... I think that is a quirk today. I only want to kill him with my bare hands about twice a day.

6. I have aphasia from a serious head injury. I lose words...I don't remember things like people's faces, and have short term memory problems.

There! I did it. Well, I did most of it. I only post comments to a couple of blogs, and lurk on a few. I hate to break the "chain", but I don't feel right asking someone who doesn't know me at all.... Hope you're not too disappointed :)

1 comment:

Holly said...

you have .never. disappointed me. Ever.

it's not a chain, it's a game. and it's not a problem.