Monday, November 10, 2008

Black cats are bad luck.

I know this because yesterday afternoon I went out to the barn early so I could catch the Bax Man and smear some fungus goop on his back legs. It was a beautiful day. I opened up the feed area and he came right in. I went and got his halter, and he came right over to me to get hooked up. As I was reaching around his neck to put the rope around him, out of the brush pile shoots this wild assed black cat. Of course it ran right between the water tanks and behind Bax. Of course he shot forward...right over the top of me. Smashed my sunglasses into my nose, stepped on my left foot (thank god it wasn't my surgically engineered one), and jammed my right hand. At least he just ran me down and didn't kick out at the cat as he ran off. I watched as his feet flew past me, thinking I was dead meat. If he had kicked out I would have been at the very least (more) brain dead, or perhaps just plain dead.

I am a very lucky girl. I could have been very smashed up, or worse. As it is, I have some bruises, and a couple of scrapes, but nothing serious. Guess I have some more desensitizing work to do.

I hate that cat... and the goats that are probably what flushed the cat out of the brush. I really only hate the cat because it sprays the back of my little feed room and stinks up the whole thing. Stupid Cat.


Holly said...

Oh shit! I am so glad you are ok! That could have been a disaster!

Camille said...

I think you're right. It could have been very bad indeed. I watched in slow motion as his hind feet went past, thinking... this is it. My luck has run out. I guess not. This time.