Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Old friend

Do you all get those annoying emails from classmates dot com where they swear someone is looking for you? Well, I went to the site, and looked around. Nobody was looking for me at all. Boo. While I was there, I searched for my best friend from high school. I didn't find her, but I did initiate a search, so they apparently started searching...and guess what? About 2 weeks later I got an email, and it was my friend! How cool is that? I have been too busy to get together with her, or even email past the first few, but as soon as work calms down, I am going to call her. I was pretty excited. We were inseperable back then, and she is a cool chick. Get this... she is a machinist! LMAO! Now THAT is funny. I am not in the least surprised. Fun huh? Hi Stefanie! :)


Paige said...

That is so cool--good for you to get to reconnect--sounds like you have a lot in common!

Holly said...

now isn't that cool. Two peas, different pods.

one a stampmonkey

the other a machinist.