Friday, November 28, 2008

Bricks and slate

This job was for our tear-out guy Skip. His poor wife has been waiting for a front walk and porch for three years. We found time to do it before the big job and apparently she loves it. If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Skip is happy. All in all, a nice little job.

We always dislike putting a second color/pattern border in the middle of something. It is a huge pain in the ass, and makes things way more complicated. In this case, we could have poured this in one day, but the border made that impossible. The right side , brick wall, and border were done in one pour, and the left side with it's brick wall were done in the second pour.Bill tried really hard to talk her out of it, but she knew what she wanted, and it really does look sharp. I have never done the brick wall before. It was pretty neat. I love the crow foot tool that makes the corners.This is after it was sealed. You can see the slate texture nicely.
This is all handwork. Fun stuff :)


Holly said...

You do GOOD work C!

Camille said...

Thanks :) It is always both fun and nerve wracking to work for friends. You want them to love it and are afraid it isn't perfect. Apparently they love it! YAY!

Paige said...

It turned out gorgeous! I wish you could come do some for us

Camille said...

Thanks :) I wish you were closer...