Monday, August 11, 2008

Bax fix(ed)

I know there are a lot of Baxter fans out there (ha), so here is an update on him, and of course the Nanny.

Remember the slash on his hock? Well that is all healed up, and it left the smallest of scars. Here is a before and after. I think it looks great compared to the day it happened. I am happy with it.

You can see it better if you click on it for the larger version. I should have lightened it up, but I didn't think about it.

Here are the prisoners upon my arrival at the holding facility. Prisoner X, aka The Nanny, is absolutely positive that she is sorely abused and will surely starve before the grub is dished up.

While Prisoner Y, aka Baxter Black, is grinning, trying to show his willingness to cooperate with the warden if it will make dinner appear faster.

Prisoner Y had a bit of a temper tantrum as dinner was being served. For some reason, he thought that he should eat first. The warden disabused him of this notion, and he rebelled. A thorough buck-fart session ensued, and when that didn't work, he decided it would be better to eat second than expend any more energy. Thank goodness! Prisoner X wanted nothing to do with the insurrection, and kept a wide berth until slop was served. All was right with the world once the feeders were filled.

He is so exhausted after his belligerant outburt that he can hardly chew his slop

Here they both are showing off their summer coats. Prisoner X looks pretty normal. She is just a lighter shade of red than usual.

Prisoner Y is doing his best imitation of a smutty buckskin, in an effort to disguise himself. He is hoping for an escape opportunity.

He sees an escape opportunity and rushes to the unguarded gate, only to find his big fat ass will not fit through the opening. Dammit!

This picture is going to be on the Baxter wall in my new house (when I get a new house). It's such a classic hunter type picture. He can be very photogenic, unlike his warden :) Ain't he purdy?

Here is why he would not survive long in the wild. He does this all the time. A deaf horse should not eat with it's eyes closed. I have watched him graze this way... he just moseys around with his eyes closed. It is fun to sneak up on him. He jumps straight up in the air. Just don't sneak up on his butt end, or you could get a face full of foot!

I am sad to report that both prisoners have been sentenced to (a) life... of bliss....


Paige said...

It is amazing how much Baxter and I are alike--we have many of the same hangups. He is lots taller than me though!

His leg looks awesome--see all that fear for nada!

He is also bleached to about the same color as Gypsy

Holly said...

oh goody! I am first.

I love both prisoners, by Y is a handsome devil, ain't he?

The Nanny needs more cookies....she told me so and we .know. a Nanny would never lie, right?

Holly said...

Good grief he is a gorgeous beastie. That Nanny deserves some cookies, just for being so special.

glassprincessflowerbasket said...

Oh that smily- face is too much to behold.

Camille said...

Baxter definitely has some quirks ;) He is mostly a pretty good boy. He is taller than me too! I wish he had stopped growing about 4 inches ago, but that's life :)I can't believe how much they bleach out. He looks like two different horses winter/summer.

Camille said...

Well almost first. I hadn't had a chance to post the comments. They are both nice horses. I love them dearly! Susie definitely deserves cookies just for putting up with Baxter. He can be a turd :)

Camille said...

He smiles like that when he thinks it will get him some grub. Otherwise, he is not so smiley :)