Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bloody Murder!!!

Anyone want to represent me? I am sure they are gonna figure out it was me soon! I was insane I tell you! I couldn't help myself. I just had to do it! What a mess I made! Out out! Damn spot!

This is what it looked like after we finished, but before we cleaned and sealed it. It was a bit dirty, but nothing like what we found after the dump trucks had run on it!

Bloody murder is what happens when people dare to desecrate the Stamp Monkey's work. It is the only way to be sure that the offending party won't return to ruin even more of my artistic endeavors. The above should be a warning for all the people who drive dirty dump trucks over my work before we can even get it cleaned and sealed! ARG! Ordinarily, I am not a violent person, but look at this mess! SHEESH people! Get some manners and wash your truck before you track mud all over the place. Were you born in a pig sty? This messy person caused me to miss several hours of prime StampMonkey nap time! I spent an entire day crawling on my hands and knees scrubbing this crap with a wire brush! Oh the outrage! I had to do something, and dragging this Neanderthal out of his big truck and clubbing him seemed right at the time! Just look at this mess, and tell me you wouldn't have done the same!

Of course, you know that I am kidding. The red stuff in the first picture is the red color that we used to paint the joints in the brick borders. It really does look like blood though, and I can fantasize about bludgeoning these idiots. No respect for other people's work. They had the nads to get pissed because we had the street blocked off to clean up their mess. There is another way into this complex, and they had to drive around. Boo hoo hoo! Sloppy pigs.

Here is a picture of one section that I had to cut in by hand. Radiuses are hard. If you make a tool that will work, it only works on that specific radius, so for every one you have to have a different tool. That is costly and time consuming, so some poor fool gets to cut them in by hand... like me :) Actually I like doing stuff like that. It is a challenge to make it look good, and match the rest of the tools.

Here is another angle.

And a close up of the texture.

And finally, here is a picture of one side cleaned, touched up, and sealed. At least we didn't have to scrub this one by hand! Thank goodness this job is finished. Whew!


Paige said...

I can see why that might make you batshit---but beautiful work.

I want you to come do my kitchen floor. Need a vacation?

Camille said...

Thanks! It only makes me crazy because we had to clean it two times, and both times it was filthy from rain washing mud down and the dump trucks being muddy and grinding it in. There also was NO water on this job... fun that :)

It would be a vacation for sure. I haven't had one in over 20 years. Maybe I should run away and come do your kitchen ;)

Elly'sMom said...

Gorgeous Camille. I love the look.
One would swear that the border is brick work.

Lazy A Ranch said...


Camille said...

Thanks! We make all of our tools, and work hard to make them look like the real thing :) I love my work...most days ;)

Camille said...

Thank you! It's fun to do this kind of stuff.

MicBel QH said...

Nice Work!

Holly said...

Good job C! I love to look at what you do!!!!

Camille said...

Thanks guys :) I actually do love my work...well most of it. I could do without crawling on my knees.