Sunday, April 6, 2008

Brutal Brutus

When Max Too passed away, the search was on again for a new friend for poor Cassie. I looked for quite a while for something suitable as a companion. Most of the birds I saw were either untamed to the point that they would slash you if you tried to pick them up, or unfriendly with other birds, or neurotic. I was not willing to settle for that, so I started looking at having a bird shipped in. I studied all of the online sites for bird sales. Let me tell you, that can be a big challenge.

Just like selling or buying a horse on-line can be difficult, so can buying a bird. You never know when people are exaggerating, or being truthful, or they really just don't know anything about the bird they are trying to sell. I must have sent off 100 emails to various sellers. I was not feeling the love :(

I finally found a green wing macaw, and the owners were in the bird/pet business. They had been breeders, and were retiring. Very nice people, and the pictures they sent of the bird showed him being handled. After talking to them a couple of times, I decided that Brutus was my best bet. I was adamant about having a male bird this time, since both of my females had died due to reproductive problems. They reassured me that he had been DNA tested as male. Woot!

We made arrangements to ship him to Tulsa from Washington state. Geeze, that is the most complicated thing I have ever done with an animal. Trying to arrange a flight for an animal is hard. The airlines have very strict rules about shipping. You have to have a certain type of cage, and food/water requirements were strange. Also, you are required to have health papers. They also have very strict rules about temperature. If it is above a certain temp on the runway, they will not ship animals. I know they do this to keep the animals safe, but it is very limiting. We had to do a red-eye shipment, and he got here about 11:00pm. The last flight into Tulsa.

This bird was fricking *huge*. When I opened the cage to give him some water, I was actually a bit afraid. He was easily the largest cage bird I had ever touched. He was almost as big as a hyacinth. He was so happy to get some water that I immediately became his best friend. Thank goodness. He could do serious damage with that beak. His head was bigger than my entire hand. He could remove a finger, given the opportunity. He was absolutely gorgeous, and very gentle with me. He was not at all fond of my DH, but I had been told he didn't like men, so I wasn't surprised.

His introduction to Cassie girl was not inspiring. He absolutely hated her guts. There was no doubt that he really did want to kill her. Cassie had lived in the "bird room" for about ten years. The room was bird safe, so they lived mostly on their cages, rather than being locked inside. This was hard for her, because all the sudden, Cassie is locked up! Poor girl. She didn't understand this, and as soon as she was let out, she immediately ran and jumped on his cage. He jumped on the side of the cage and started reaching through the bars trying to grab her. I am afraid if he had ever gotten hold of her, he would have killed her. As it was, he did manage to bite off one of her toes. We tried various ways to introduce them slowly, but he never got over being territorial, and was a danger to her.

At this point, I decided that I didn't have the funds to keep trying to find a suitable pal for her. I had spent over $3000 in the last few months, and as much as I loved her, I was out of resources.

I eventually found the *best* homes for them both. Brutus went to a woman who has something like 15 birds, and really knows what they need, and is all about giving it to them. She is in the medical profession, and takes Brutus to nursing homes to visit the residents. He is always a big hit. Cassie is living with her new mom who adores her. The woman is very good with her, and Cassie is very happy.

I miss my birds sometimes. It broke my heart to have to admit that I couldn't give them what they needed, but it was the best thing I could do for them. I still occasionally go to the bird room thinking I have to feed them...I guess almost 20 years of routine is hard to break. I am very glad that they have excellent homes where they are loved.

He is just a gorgeous bird. He loves his new mother. She brings him by to see me occasionally. He remembers me and is happy to come sit on my arm. Brutus has apparently kept up his mission to do away with any bird that has the guts to get in his territory. One of her small birds flew onto his cage and Brutus caught him and removed several of his toes! Bad Boy. This is why he got the nickname of Brutal Brutus. He is sweet as honey with humans, but other birds... It is WAR!

He is begging to be let out. He promised he wouldn't kill Cassie... he is a fibber!


Paige said...

He is gorgeous--I remember when all this went on---I am sorry yo had to give them up, but it sounds like it was the right thing to do

Camille said...

Yes it was the right thing. Sometimes being a responsible adult sure sucks. They are so happy now, that I am glad they are where they are. I don't worry about their futures. That was my main concern since they can live to be 80.