Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Barn friends

Here are some of the little friends that hang out at the barn. I almost stepped on the poor frog as I was bucking a bale of hay. He was sitting in the grass and I thought it was a piece of bark at first. When I picked him up to move him to someplace safer, I was surprised to see the bright orange under his legs. He was so cute, I hated the thought of his demise under my feet. Poor little guy.

Here is The Cat. He apparently lives in the pasture, because he is always hanging around outside my feed room. It must be like a mouse vending machine. There are always mice in there. Stinky little things :( I would love the cat if he didn't insist on spraying on my water tank. GAH! Oh well. At least he is pretty. I hope he learns quickly. Baxter has a zero tolerance policy about anything stompable. I have not seen the cat actually *in* the pasture, so hopefully there won't be a flat cat future for him :)


Holly said...

good shot on the toad/frog!

Camille said...

Thanks! He was a cute little guy. I love their toes :)