Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I believe...

I believe that this world sometimes hides things that are subtly *other*. Things that are beyond the mundane. From the time I was a tiny girl, my mother told me that I talked to faeries. She was convinced that *I* believed. Of course, I have always been a strange girl :) I tend to be wildly skeptical, you could even say jaded, about most things but on occasion I run across something that is so fantastic that it overwhelms my disbelief.

Yesterday while waiting on the (mundane) concrete mixer to show up, I decided that nature called. This job is in the middle of what used to be a pasture, with lots of trees and a nice creek running through the middle of everything. Needless to say, there are no...facilities. I had to go a little distance to find a spot that offered enough privacy for me. As I was looking for the perfect place, I stumbled upon something *other*. I forgot all about my "nature call, in the face of this natural distraction. I turned around and went back to my truck for the camera.

I found my proof that faeries exist. Hidden in the middle of this place that soon will contain more banal roads, I found the Faerie Highway.

There are under and overpasses. Who knows how long it took to build this. I can understand all the tales of faeries casting a glamour on humans and bringing them into their world for a day. The poor victim spends what seems a single day in this glorious place, only to find that a much longer time has passed when they return to the "real" world. If I hadn't had the more immediate concern of making the next mortgage payment on our shop, I could have stayed in that quiet beautiful place all day. I have no trouble understanding how someone could lose all sense of time in a place like this.

I think they must use this path a lot. I don't know that I would want to be out in these woods after dark.

I can see a dragon's head here. Nobody ever accused me of being any sort of sane.

I can easily imagine a pixie princess bathing in the light of a full moon on this pretty chaise.

And another strange creature from some far away place.

A quiet pocket of natural grace and beauty that is good for the soul.

I am more than a little upset that such places are increasingly being destroyed to build more unneeded McMansions. I do not understand why people want to move to the "country" to live in a 4000 square foot zero lot line house, and then bitch that there is a possum in their swimming pool. Oh dear. Progress is a double edged sword at times. Almost all of the places that I used to know as a kid are gone, covered up by sprawl. It is sad.

This looks like the stairway to heaven, to me.

And lastly, here is the proof that made me believe. These are actual footprints. The little black spots are grains of sand. I have never seen tracks like these, nor can I imagine what made them...unless it was a Faerie.


Anonymous said...

just awesome Camille..... very very cool place. And u know what I think of mcmansions ;)

Camille said...

Thank you :)

I think they are a total waste of resources. There are a ton of them for sale already. Why build more? It makes me sad.

Paige said...

Very cool shots, I love it! What a cool thing to find.

Now see I am in favor of McManions, but I want mine in the middle of 500 acress with trees and anuimals all around, and NO PEOPLE!~

Camille said...

I don't have any problem with McMansions as a whole. What kills me is the waste of land to build them on zero lot lines in the middle of prime farming land. I am floored by the people who "want to live in the country" and then bitch because someone close by has horses or cows.. and ewww they smell! Well DUH... it is the country for heaven's sake! Sheesh... people....