Monday, January 12, 2009

Prisoner X abandons Prisoner Y

It is always dark when I feed the prisoners in the morning. I like it. No noise, no people, just the prisoners and me. Lots of nickering and quiet talk. This morning I drove up, and no Prisoners. Oh Dear! So I wait a few seconds. Still no Prisoners. This is odd. They are *always* waiting for me in the morning. I went and dished up the slop, and by the time I had watered it down, Prisoner X had made her appearance. Still no Prisoner Y! Oh NO!

Back to the truck for a flashlight. Grabbed the slop buckets, and fed Prisoner X on the way to search for the boy. Saw something dark looking on the far side of the round bale. There he is! Oh dear! He is stretched flat out. Eyes open... evidently not breathing. Not moving!! ARGGG!!! My BOY! I waved the flashlight over his eyes several times... nothing. I finally stepped up near his head to look closer and... **blink**! Yayassssss! Thank you Jeeeesus! **blink** Utter confusion is written all over his face. He finally rolled up to his chest and blinked a bunch more. I put my hand under his nose, and he sniffed, and seemed to finally wake up.

I showed him the slop bucket, and took off back to the feeder. I think he figured out that dining Roman style was out of the question, and finally got his lazy ass up to followed me. He was still asleep, as he ambled slowly instead of bolting and bucking. Sheesh! I can't believe that Prisoner X abandoned her charge for food. She has never left him while he is sleeping. She must have tried to wake him up, as I have never seen him sleep alone, nor with his eyes open. Shame on her! I was ready to have a conniption. Thank goodness all the prisoners are accounted for, and seem in good health.

Ahhh the joys of owning a deaf horse! Thank goodness he wasn't all the way at the back of the pasture :)


Holly said...

well now that he took 10 years off your life and found a new way to torture you.....did you kiss and make up?

Okiecowboy said...

I can relate to that panic setting in....can only imagine with a deaf horse

Camille said...

Oh yes. He was actually very lovey dovey for him. He is a people pony, but he is not lovey. He wants a playmate I think.

Camille said...

Heh.. with an ordinary horse, you holler and they come. With a deaf horse you freeze your bunz off and he snores. Horses are a sickness...