Monday, January 12, 2009


Ok, you know that I have been thinking about cutting my hair, yes? Well I was just screwing around with one of those programs where you put your picture up and then the program will put different hair on the picture so you can see what you will look like. Hahahaha! I demand to know right this second who swapped my picture for Marty Feldman??? You want to talk about some scary shit, well that was pretty scary. Imagine Jessica Simpson hair on Marty Feldman, and you will have a pretty good idea of what I saw. Hell! Delete Delete DELETE!!! How discouraging :( Horrifying actually. I really should make *some* attempt to look like a human being on even numbered days...

I am going to go back to playing with my pictures now.


Holly said...

excuse me....waves finger gently...wanna see pwease.

Camille said...


I deleted that sumbitch so fast it might as well never have been there. I am all about self deprecation, but that went waaay beyond the pale.