Saturday, April 4, 2009

What sucks?

Well, let me tell you. It sucks that finally after more than a year, we got an offer on my mom's house. We were not happy with it, but we accepted it anyway. Today, Bill and I were over there doing a final walk around/pick stuff up, and a car pulled up in the drive. It was the buyer, come to show her entire fricking family the house. Ok... So she asks me a few questions, and I started to tell her all about mom's plants and gardens. She informed me that number one, she is allergic to roses, so those all have to go. Ok, I can understand that. Next, she tells me that the whole yard is just way too busy for her, so about a month after the closing, she is going to have a big old barbeque, and invite all her friends to a "digging party". They will get to dig up all of my mother's gardens, and either take what they want, or throw it out.

Logically, I get that it will be her house, and she could burn the fucking thing down if she wanted to, but to say that I am upset is *the* understatement of the year. This really hurts my soul. All the years mom spent making her home a refuge, and this "person" is just going to willy-nilly dig it up and destroy it. It seriously made me want to vomit. Why would someone buy a house that has huge gardens, and then tear them out? Whatever... as long as the check is good, I guess that's just life.

So now you know. This sucks. I just thought I was depressed before.


Kristi R said...

That does suck. Yes, she can do as she pleases once it's hers but would a little tact kill her? Some people don't deserve the oxygen they breathe.

Holly said...

I am so sorry.

I also know this will be "her" house, but she had no need to tell you all this.

I believe this probably was a blow to you, these are not only your mothers gardens they are also a part of you....of your history. And it's all still too fresh to put into "the past".


Lazy A Ranch said...

Why not take out the plants that you love before closing? She doesn't want them anyway...Hugs and I hope you feel better soon.