Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What would you do?

Ok, here's the situation...

It's 5:30am. It's freaking dark in the country at 5:30am. The main gate is open, so you drive up to the pasture where your horses are boarded. You see the little crippled pony mare who lives outside your pasture. You also see the stallion that lives in the next pasture, when he isn't tearing down the fence to get out and breed random mares, and try to kill your gelding. Then you see something big. And black. And it's coming at your truck! Holy Mother!! Oh, it is a loose horse. You don't recognize it at all. Well.... isn't that special? (church lady) The biggest problem is that the horse is *very* friendly. So friendly in fact that you can't get out of the truck because it is sticking it's vaguely moose-like face in your window. Thank goodness the foundered pony mare thinks you are her property because she actually drives the horse away.

So you get out, unlock your gate, and hurry through with your feed buckets. Check your horses over for boo-boos and feed them. Go back out the gate and carefully lock it, making sure your fence charger is turned on to the "fry the sucker" position and run to your truck to put the feed buckets back before any of the loose equines can mug you for grain. Use your spotlight to see where the meandering intruder is so you don't get mowed down, and watch him wander around looking lost.

In the mean time, a truck has driven past the pasture and left through the open gate... someone going to work I suppose. Next you see the barn manager coming up from the direction of the house. About 100 yards away he slows down and finally stops because he sees that you are shining your bazillion candle power spot light on something... Oh he says to himself, it's a horse. So he sits there for a few seconds watching the horse. Then what do you suppose he does? What would you do?

Would you:

A: Sit and stare at the horse hoping it's a dream and you will wake up.

B: Get out and see if the horse belongs here and return it to it's pasture, and if it doesn't live here, put it someplace safe so it doesn't get hit by a car or worse.

C: Stop and ask your boarder to catch and put up loose horse because you are late for work.

D: Shrug and drive off, leaving the gate open because you just don't give a shit.

Now hazard a guess at what was actually done. If you selected option D, you were correct. Drive off and leave a loose black horse wandering around in the dark, because you really don't give a shit if it gets out and causes an accident, possibly killing whoever hit it. After all, there is someone there who pays for the privelege of boarding at your top notch facility... they can catch the horse, or close the gate right? It's not your problem, is it?

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